Successful brand development, innovation and transformation takes a little time, and is equal parts discovery and creativity. Creativity is the sexy part. It’s the discovery part where we roll up our sleeves.
Successful brand development, innovation and transformation takes a little time, and is equal parts discovery and creativity. Creativity is the sexy part. It’s the discovery part where we roll up our sleeves.
We’ve pioneered a proprietary brand innovation and transformation process called Brand Dig. Why? Because a brand is developed from existing factors. Much of what ultimately defines a brand currently exists; we just have to dig below the surface to find it. In addition, the branding process is far removed from creating a mere image in the market. Image campaigns can temporarily position an organization, but have no lasting value, as they don’t necessarily represent the culture, values, or even benefits of that organization. Rather, a brand is formed from the many existing characteristics of an organization, the current perceptions of the brand, competitors’ brand positions, and opportunities in the market. All of the existing characteristics help define an organization’s brand. The Brand Dig process allows us to identify these characteristics so that we can define the best position for the brand.
As the connection between you and your target, your brand should be the foundation of every communications effort your organization sponsors. Furthermore, your brand should evoke emotion and trust and should provide your target with what they want and need.
A brand can have both internal and external benefits. For your target, it serves as a frame of reference. It is the place you occupy in each of their lives. Internally, it should be used as a compass, providing guidelines for each decision you make. While this certainly applies to every marketing or communications decision, your brand should also dictate your organization’s actions across the board. If a decision does not support your brand, you must find another solution.
Through our Brand Dig process, we will determine the brand positions that are available to be owned by your company and their value to your key targets. Furthermore, we will identify any obstacles that we may have to overcome in order to effectively innovate and transform your brand.
A less experienced branding professional tends to separate a branding campaign from a retail or product-specific campaign. This is fundamentally wrong. A true branding campaign is developed with all products and services in mind, and messages that support them support the brand as well. Your brand will provide a platform for all of your messages and should be used as a blueprint for the evolution of your organization.
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