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vi marketing and branding

changing the highway safety game

Oklahoma Highway Safety Office

The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO) is a state agency that works to create and maintain an environment where Oklahoma roadways are safe for everyone.


Through educational campaigns, community partnerships and other evidence-based strategies, OHSO strives to reduce unintentional, traffic-related injuries and deaths. In Oklahoma, most motor vehicle fatalities are preventable and a result of user behaviors: impaired driving (alcohol and drug), speeding, distracted driving and not wearing a seatbelt. Due to the nature of OHSOโ€™s funding, each of these behaviors needed to be addressed in a separate media campaign, but we still needed a cohesive, overarching campaign to grow awareness and unite these important safety messages.


Through educational campaigns, community partnerships and other evidence-based strategies, OHSO strives to reduce unintentional, traffic-related injuries and deaths. In Oklahoma, most motor vehicle fatalities are preventable and a result of user behaviors: impaired driving (alcohol and drug), speeding, distracted driving and not wearing a seatbelt. Due to the nature of OHSOโ€™s funding, each of these behaviors needed to be addressed in a separate media campaign, but we still needed a cohesive, overarching campaign to grow awareness and unite these important safety messages.


All too often, traffic safety marketing campaigns use shock value and fear-based appeals to impress the seriousness of the subject on the viewers. However, our research showed that while some may respond to this tactic, it will also turn off others that need to hear and connect with the messages. With this in mind, VI took the road less traveled and created a campaign that simulated a game show environment.

Consumable and relevant safety messages were shared through the interactions between hosts and contestants, engaging the viewers in the game as well. The chosen messages addressed common misconceptions in traffic safety and provided factual information that the viewers could immediately use to make safer choices on the road.



All too often, traffic safety marketing campaigns use shock value and fear-based appeals to impress the seriousness of the subject on the viewers. However, our research showed that while some may respond to this tactic, it will also turn off others that need to hear and connect with the messages. With this in mind, VI took the road less traveled and created a campaign that simulated a game show environment.

Consumable and relevant safety messages were shared through the interactions between hosts and contestants, engaging the viewers in the game as well. The chosen messages addressed common misconceptions in traffic safety and provided factual information that the viewers could immediately use to make safer choices on the road.



Our campaign included both television and digital advertising to provide additional opportunities to reach our target audiences through traditional and online channels. Our team created static, video and interactive assets, which allowed us to layer safety messages through retargeting efforts to ensure we effectively educated our audiences exactly where they consume media. Other mass media messages, such as outdoor advertising, were included in high-traffic areas of the state.

The Game Show campaign helped establish a cohesive messaging focus for OHSO, positioning them as the primary agency working to create safer roadways in the state of Oklahoma. This brand recognition will enable additional results from earned and owned media to support the Game Show campaign, expanding the impact even further.

Our campaign included both television and digital advertising to provide additional opportunities to reach our target audiences through traditional and online channels. Our team created static, video and interactive assets, which allowed us to layer safety messages through retargeting efforts to ensure we effectively educated our audiences exactly where they consume media. Other mass media messages, such as outdoor advertising, were included in high-traffic areas of the state.

The Game Show campaign helped establish a cohesive messaging focus for OHSO, positioning them as the primary agency working to create safer roadways in the state of Oklahoma. This brand recognition will enable additional results from earned and owned media to support the Game Show campaign, expanding the impact even further.



The campaignโ€™s four video assets were so impactful that they garnered over 13 million views on YouTube, which equates to results over three times the population of Oklahoma โ€” a greater reach than any OHSO campaign to date.

The campaignโ€™s four video assets were so impactful that they garnered over 13 million views on YouTube, which equates to results over three times the population of Oklahoma โ€” a greater reach than any OHSO campaign to date.

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