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vi marketing and branding

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department

The Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department is the state agency dedicated to promoting tourism — Oklahoma’s third-largest industry and a key contributor to the state's economy.


When the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department asked us how we could help them elevate the industry to an even greater economic role, we aimed to develop a campaign that would enhance Oklahoma’s image, generate additional travelers, increase visitor spending (particularly overnight stays, and thereby state and local tax collections) and improve the agency’s advertising return on investment (ROI). We also needed to promote Oklahoma’s new consumer-facing travel tagline, “Imagine that,” which it had unveiled just weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic brought the entire industry (and world) to a screeching halt. Additionally, it had been seven years since OTRD had released a campaign of this scale, so we wanted to make it count.


“Imagine that” is an expression that conveys surprise, astonishment and/or disbelief, which sparked our concept for the campaign. Sometimes, the experiences you desire can be found in your own backyard or in unexpected places, so we wanted to invite our audiences to dream bigger and imagine themselves on Oklahoma adventures. To evoke an element of surprise, we embedded hidden chevrons within each creative asset, which was also a nod to the state’s new logo.


VI partnered with a production team to capture photos and footage at 50+ locations across the state. While it was important for each spot to include locations that would appeal to an array of diverse audiences, we also needed to showcase a variety of unique lodging and cohesively tell the story of an Oklahoma vacation. Our team developed six unique :30 spots, which opened with portals that transported characters from mundane situations to magical travel experiences — from a little girl’s royal sendoff to a grown man’s fantastical doodles in a tedious work meeting.

In collaboration with the Oklahoma Film + Music Office, we selected five Oklahoma vocalists and one composer/vocalist to record six unique renditions of the Irving Berlin song, “Blue Skies,” which embodies the optimistic spirit of “Imagine that,” making it the perfect soundtrack for our videos.

The campaign targeted travel intenders ages 25 and older, both in state and in surrounding drive markets. Tactics included:

  • Television (cable, OTT/CTV)
  • Digital video (programmatic, social, TrueView)
  • Display ads (programmatic, discovery, Google Performance Max)
  • Website click ads on social media


In the first month following the campaign launch, these multifaceted advertising efforts led to a 11:1 ROI, a 12% positive lift in brand awareness and 34,024 additional visits to Oklahoma State Parks.

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